Thursday, November 8, 2007

UK Universities amongst the best in the world

Perfectly timed to coincide with my talk last night is news released today telling how UK univerisities are ranked within the top 10 in the world:

UK universities rise up rankings

Britain's performance in a league table of the world's top universities has improved, but the US still dominates. Four of the top 10 are British and the rest American. Harvard is top and Yale, Oxford and Cambridge joint second. University College London breaks into the top 10 for the first time and Imperial College London rises to fifth.

The annual survey by the Times Higher Education Supplement and careers and education group QS ranks according to factors including academics' opinions. The biggest increase in ranking is by University College London, which rises from 25th position last year to ninth. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology was joint fourth last year but falls to 10th place, while Stanford falls from sixth position to 19th. Another US university which tumbles in the rankings is the University of California, Berkeley. It was rated eighth last year but drops to 22nd place this year.


The rankings are based on a number of factors including the opinions of academics and of companies employing graduates, international student and staff numbers, and research.
The managing director of QS, Nunzio Quacquarelli, said the rankings recognised the quality of education that UK universities offer. He said: "In an environment of increasing student mobility, the UK is putting itself forward as a top choice for students worldwide. They are taking a closer look at the quality of faculty, international diversity and, of course, the education they will receive there."

Asian universities improved their standing but European institutions outside of the UK fell back, the survey said. Last year there were 41 European universities in the top 100, but in this year's table there are 35.

The president of Universities UK, Professor Rick Trainor, said: "As this table shows, the world standing of UK higher education is at the very top. This is due to the high quality of our research and teaching. Our competitors are increasingly marketing themselves more aggressively so it is vital that the UK remains among the foremost destinations for international students and staff."

The Top 10 in full is:
1 Harvard University (US)
2 University of Cambridge (UK)
2 University of Oxford (UK)
2 Yale University (US)
5 Imperial College London (UK)
6 Princeton University (US)
7 California Institute of Technology (US)
7 University of Chicago (US)
9 University College London (UK)
10 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (US)

Year 5 parents evening

Many thanks for all of you who turned up last night. I've included below a copy of the handout on Non-czech universities which I distributed at the meeting:

Over the last two years, of the students who went directly into Higher Education, the majority went to non-Czech universities:

Czech Universities 25 Students
UK Universities 15 Students
Other 6 Students (Zurich, Vienna, Sydney, San Diego, Copenhagen, Rotterdam)

Czech Universities 24 Students
UK Universities 21 Students
Other: 7 Students (Malmö University, Vienna University, McMaster University (Canada)George Washington University

Students from ECP have studied at many prestigious institutions and we currenly have students studying at both Oxford and Cambridge; this year we have 8 students applying for places at Oxford or Cambridge to study courses from Politics, Philosopy and Economics to Medicine.

To build on the English education (i.e. education in the English Language and the English approach to learning) is an obvious choice for many of our students. The universities and institutions in the UK are amongst the best in the world. Qualifications from these universities are recognised internationally (including, of course, the Czech Republic).

It is worth pointing out that many students do not know what to study and are unclear about their future career paths. THIS IS NOT A BAD THING! It is not always possible to have all the answers on our future careers at the age of 18. However, it is worth thinking about:

· What do I enjoy? Around 40-50% of graduate jobs require no specific degree. It is better to study something you enjoy and which you are more likely to get a good degree in.
· Is worth considering a gap year? To take a year before university is something I strongly recommend. Students learn good skills of independence, live out some of their youthful independence and freedom before serious study and univerisities look favourably on students who have taken gaps years. It is a great opportunity!
· Try taking the Stamford test. This is a personality test which can help highlight which degrees may be of interest to students – there are many which students have not heard of (
· When unsure, many students take a Business / Management degree. I have nothing against this (I have a Management degree myself!) but this is not always the right choice for every student. They will learn the skills needed for a career from a range of different degrees and it would again be important to emphasise that students should study what they are interested in.

I have included below a list of questions which students and parents and students often ask. If you have any queries, though, please feel free to contact me, Jim Willetts, on There is also a blog with information for students and parents:

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need a visa to study in the UK? Students from the EEA (European Economic Area) and Switzerland do not need permission to study in the UK. The EEA consists of the 25 EU countries plus Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.

Will I have to pay 'home' or 'overseas' student fees? You will qualify for home fees if you are an EU national or your parent is an EU national and:

* You have been ordinarily resident anywhere in the EEA (ignoring short absences such as holidays) for the three years immediately preceding the 1st September, 1st January or 1st April closest to the beginning of your course; and
* Throughout the relevant three year period the main purpose of your residence in the EEA was not to receive full time education. You will not be automatically excluded if you were in full time education, as long as it was not the main reason for residence.

The regulations regarding eligibility for 'home' fees and Student Support are complex. If you think you may qualify or need further advice, contact the advice or welfare service at your institution or students union, or telephone the UKCOSA student advice line

Am I entitled to any help with my tuition fees? And how do I apply? The cost of providing college and university courses in the UK is met mostly by the UK Government and partly by tuition fees charged to students. Many EU nationals or children of EU nationals are entitled to help to pay some or all of their fees. Exactly how much you get depends on your income and that of your family. If you are entitled to pay 'home' fees, the most you will have to pay in 2004/05 is £1, 150.

If you wish to study in England or Wales, you should contact The Department for Education and Skills EU Team for information about receiving financial support. You can find information including their contact details at The EU team will assess how much, if anything you will have to pay.

If you are planning to study in Scotland you should contact the Student Awards Agency for Scotland. Full information about applying for student support is available at

If you are planning to study in Northern Ireland you should contact Student Support for Northern Ireland. Full information about applying for student support is available at

Am I entitled to free health care? EEA Nationals can receive National Health Service (NHS) care while in the UK. If you are in the UK for more than six months you will receive free treatment from NHS hospitals.

Where will I live while studying in the UK? Student accommodation varies from halls of residence to privately owned houses. Institutions usually provide information about accommodation available to their students and will normally have an accommodation office. In most cases accommodation will be arranged for you by your institution's accommodation office.

Useful Websites

Student Awards Agency for Scotland (information about fees in Scotland)
Department for Education and Skills European Team
UKCOSA The Council for International Education
UCAS (handles all applications to UK universities)
British Council
Guardian Education

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

New Office

For those of you trying to seek me out, my new office is now in room 008 (Music room office)

Thursday, May 10, 2007

UCAS Plagiarism...

It seems that there is an alarming amount of plagiarism with UCAS personal statements. The article from the BBC News website:

says that 234 people copied a personal statement from the website telling a story about how burning a hole in pyjamas lead to an interest in chemistry. The example personal statements I have uploaded are there for reference only! It will sound a lot more convincing if it describes you, comes from you and you've put some time and thought into it.

Mr W

Example Personal Statements

I've uploaded some example personal statements below:

Architecture, Biochemistry, Dentistry, Economics, Engineering, English, French, Chemistry

Mathematics, Medicine, Physics, PPE, Veterinary Sciences

These are not there to be copied into your personal statements, but as a source of reference for your own application.

Mr W

UCAS Personal Statements

Obtaining a place at University depends on a combination of your IGCSE and IB results, your personal statement, your performance at interview and your performance in aptitude tests, such as BMAT. The personal statement is probably one of the most important differentiators as to the suitability of students for university and as such must be taken seriously. Most students find the writing of a personal statement a difficult task and devote far too little time and effort to the production of a good statement.

A good statement will match your personal details with the expectations of the admissions tutors at your chosen university. Typically they might anticipate you having:
1) A passion for the subject. Can you convince a professor you love a subject as much as he does?
2) Have you personal qualities such as the natural ability and the motivation to complete the course?
3) Have you matched your interests to the interests of the department and university to which you are applying? See entry profiles on university websites.
4) Have you produced an interesting personal statement that is easy to read and not pompous and verbose. Who wants to teach students who are boring or with an inflated view of their academic prowess?

Format for a Personal Statement

Approximately 75% of the statement should give details of why you want to study a subject, the depth and range of your interest in it, and what you have done to prepare for it. The other 25% should describe extra-curricular activities both within and outside school and how they have helped you develop as a person.

The introduction must capture the interest of the reader – it can make or break the statement.

Not – ‘I like solving problems and doing sums and that is why I like doing mathematics. There is a vast amount of mathematics to learn and I find it all very interesting. I find Further Mathematics even more interesting. A university course in mathematics would help me learn even more mathematics and that would be very interesting.’ This is an actual example.

But – ‘During a recent visit to Iran I witnessed an horrific incident which I can still picture in detail – a woman being publicly whipped for not wearing her headscarf (chador). As a person living in a highly developed Western country I have never experienced such forms of injustice or brutality. This event had a strong emotional impact on me and to be involved in administrating justice made me determined to study Law.’ Another real example.

In the main section it is desirable to write about a few topics in detail rather than numerous topics superficially. Topics to include might be: books, journals, quality newspapers - clear evidence of reading beyond the set text books. Explain what you learned from your reading and what your views are on what you read.

What have you done if you are applying for a subject not normally studied at school, such as law or architecture, to show you have the interest to study it for three or more years? Have you undertaken suitable work experience, what courses have you attended and what Law courts, Solicitors’ firms or architects’ offices, major constructions or developments have you visited and what did you get out of the visit?

Research the college/university department to which you are applying. For example, if you are applying for Architecture and the Director of Studies is a Structural Engineer with research interests in property damage by hurricanes, earthquakes or other natural hazards, then it would not go amiss to do some reading on these topics. (IB Choices of Art, Physics and Mathematics would I am sure also be viewed favourably by a Structural Engineer).

Mention school subjects, as appropriate. Potential engineers might stress their enjoyment of practical work in the laboratory. Foreign language students might give details of the extra opportunity for discussion with foreign assistants whose first language is French, German etc.

The extra-curricular section should not merely be a list of activities. In many good schools the majority of the Upper School are encouraged to organise and lead - to take part in activities similar to CAS activities and because these are increasingly common they no longer act as good things to differentiate university suitability. You need to explain the challenge these activities brought you. It would be better to, for example, give specific details of the CAS you have undertaken. If you do include a school-specific activity, please explain what this is as outsiders will not be aware of its importance and aims.

A good conclusion is required and needs to be carefully considered. An example is this from a recent student:

‘This year I have been spending one afternoon a week caring for the elderly since I enjoy interacting with people. I have been listening to their stories, having conversations with them and doing their shopping. In addition, at school my teachers have always praised me for supporting and helping students who face difficulties in their daily lives. I am confident that I have the scientific ability and the empathy towards my fellow human beings to take advantage of the learning opportunities a medical degree course offers and that this would enable me to develop as a useful member of
I recommend that you make every effort with your Personal Statement. I must warn everyone that for highly competitive subjects, such as English and Medicine, unless the statement is of the highest quality a university place is unlikely to be obtained. Three or four rewrites is the norm and I would suggest you seek the advice of not only your Form Tutor but the Head of the appropriate Department.